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Thursday, July 8

Bibb County Correctional Facility Breaks Chapel Grounds

By Daniel L. Bamberg


“One may worship anytime and anyplace; but this Chapel will allow the individuals to embrace a feeling of reverence.  All who enter will be encouraged to reflect and search for the changes necessary to make a positive reentry to society,” expressed Warden Cheryl Price of the Alabama Department of Corrections.

On Thursday, June 24th a groundbreaking ceremony for a new chapel at the Bibb County Correctional Facility was held. The staff of the Bibb Correctional Facility, the Alabama Department of Corrections, along with hundreds of Alabama government, businesses, social services, volunteers and faith leaders came together for the event which ADC believes will serve to meet the needs of incarcerated men for hundreds of years.

The Chapel will provide space for several different types of religious volunteers.  These persons will use the new building to minister to those who are housed inside the correctional facility.

The new Chapel will include a 350-seat sanctuary, educational classrooms, Library for books and audiotapes, a Chaplin Office and clerical area and restrooms for offenders and volunteers. 

The Chapel, which is currently in place, was designed to seat only 175 individuals.  Bibb County Correctional Facility, however houses nearly 2,000 inmates.  A former prisoner spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony explaining what a difference faith made in her life while on the inside.  

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