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Friday, June 25

The 129th Given a Hero’s “Welcome Home”

By Daniel L. Bamberg


“We’ve been stateside for a few days now, and this is our first chance to be home.  It hasn’t completely sunk in yet, but it is great to be back on American soil,” expressed Specialist Randall Smith. 

On June 15th, 2009 the 129th Medical Company of the Alabama Army National Guard were entered into active duty and deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi freedom.  On Monday, June 8th 2010 family members of these soldiers entered into the local National Guard Armory Building in Brent in anticipation of their returning loved ones after nearly a year.

As the time came for the buses to roll down Walnut Street the enthusiasm was nearly overwhelming.  Family and friends of these soldiers lined the fence line in front of the building holding signs and the U.S. flag.  The moment the front of the first bus was in clear view the crowd erupted in an obvious combination relief, pride, and a feeling of victory. 

Marcia Jackson of Russellville, and an E-4 with the unit had to leave her 6 year old daughter with her parents while she was away. 

“She has done really good and we’ve been really blessed to see her return today.  We’ve been keeping our granddaughter for over a year.  I don’t really want to turn her lose,” expressed her father Terry Connor

Her boyfriend Danny stated, “I praise the Lord for bringing her home.  It has been very stressful for her to leave her daughter behind.  She’s a strong and amazing woman to serve her country like this.  Mostly I have just tried to support her and be strong for her as she was away.”

The Boy Scouts of American, Troop 83 of Brent were on hand to give out flags and to open the doors for people as they entered the building.  The Bibb Belles, Brent Mayor Dennis Stripling, Centreville Mayor Tommy Bamberg, Bibb County Commissioner Al Green, and the Bibb County Chamber of Commerce were also in attendance to welcome the troops home. 

After the buses pulled in behind the building the soldiers entered formation.  Members of the American Legion, Post 47 in West Blocton line up to the left and right on the bay door where the soldiers were to enter the building.

“We are here to offer these soldiers something the Vietnam Veterans didn’t have.  They are heroes and deserve a heroes welcome,” said Vietnam Veteran and American Legion member, George Fleming. 

As the 129th marched into the building from the bright sunshine to the shade of anticipating family members one not in the know might have thought a rock n’ roll star had made his or her way into Bibb County.  The noise of the crowd was equivalent to that of a crowd ten times its size.  Even members of the 129th, though maintaining formation and professionalism appeared to be fighting hard to hold back tears. The soldiers turned from about face to facing ahead the crowd’s cheers included emotional out cries.  They could plainly see their loved ones faces.

The ceremony was brief.  Reverend Greg Hyche, the pastor of Brent Baptist Church delivered a short message, congratulations to the soldiers and their families and a word of prayer. 

Following that the unit commander addressed the soldiers and their families.  He acknowledged their sacrifice in time as well as service.  He concluded by expressing pride that the unit was there to heal and to save lives.  “Nothing is more honorable and these men and women lent their service honorably.” 
After that the unit was relieved of their duty and soldiers rushed to their family members embracing them with tears of joy and love. 

Specialist Jason Anderson stated, “It is great to be home.  I can’t wait to get some good home cooked food and see my friends and family.”  

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