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Wednesday, May 26

Bibb Relay For Life earns $61,000 in 2010

By Sharon George and Roberta Lawrence

On May 6th at 6 p.m. Bibb County held it’s annual Relay For Life at Heritage Park in Brent. This is a signature event sponsored by the American Cancer Society to raise money to fund cancer research. It is also a time to celebrate life, remember those who have battled cancer and fight back against this disease. A reception was held at 5 p.m. to honor all cancer survivors in our county. The Brent Study Club graciously hosted this. From the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony our county was united as we rallied together to end cancer and the destruction it causes to so many of our families and friends.

Of course this event would not be possible without the tremendous support of sponsors: Scott Davis Chip Co., First United Security Bank, South City Bank, Boatright Railroad Products, Woodstock Drug, Alabama Power Co., City of Brent, Smith’s Precision Machineworks, Burkes Mechanical, Inc., Timber Products Southeast, BankTrust, Cahaba Machine, Brent Study Club, Cahaba Pressure Treated Forest Products, West Alabama Bank, Kevin Hayes, Agent—State Farm Insurance.

This year, Bibb County raised over $61,000 with “Woodstock and Company” being the #1 team. All of Bibb County’s public schools participated with Relay For Life this year, each school having a team. Any church group, family group, business group or group of friends can form a team and be a part of this fun night.

Relay For Life appreciates each supporter of Relay For Life—sponsors, teams, those of you that purchased the many plates, candy, t-shirts that were sold—just maybe, out of this $61,000 a cure may be found and we will not have to hear those earth-shattering words, “you have cancer”.

Make your plans now to participate next year in May as we Relay For Life 2011.

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