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Wednesday, April 28

Centreville Police Chief Awarded Officer of the Year

By: Daniel L. Bamberg



He began his law enforcement career in 1977.  The Alabama Fraternal Order of Police has recently recognized his efforts and accomplishments.  Centreville Police Chief Mike Nichols, who is also a member of the 4th Judicial Drug Task Force, which includes Bibb County, was recently awarded “Officer of the Year” at the annual Alabama F.O.P. Banquet.

Nichols began his law enforcement career with the Perry County Sheriff’s Department. After serving for nearly 5 years he came to Bibb County to work with the Centreville Police Department.  He would eventually become Chief of Police there and still serves in that position today.  He is one of the most recognized individuals working the Bibb County area, and one of the most respected in the county’s law enforcement community.

“I think Chief Nichols is a fine officer.  He’s held other positions n the local F.O.P lodge,” said Bibb County Sheriff Keith Hannah.  “I am extremely proud of him as is all of the local law enforcement.” 

The 2010 Annual Alabama F.O.P. Banquet was held on March 27th through March 29th.  On Saturday the 28th Nichols was awarded plaques from the State F.O.P. as well as recognitions from the Alabama Senate and House of Representatives.  There are over 60 F.O.P. lodges across the state and a single board member represents each.  These board members make this decision each year to honor the police officer that they feel has had an outstanding career in the line of duty. 

“I am extremely proud that one of our officers was selected.  This is a great honor for Chief Nichols and for us as well,” said Bob Jamison, State Trustee with the Alabama F.O.P. and board member for F.O.P. Lodge 44.  “Chief Nichols has been a great worker not only for his city but for the F.O.P. and the Chief of Police Association.”

Members of Chief Nichols family were also at the banquet to witness the recognition.  Those in attendance were: his wife Wanda, son Kevin Nichols, daughter-in-law Laura Nichols, grandson Ryan Nichols, his daughter Lawanna Feldman, granddaughter Madison Feldman, granddaughter Katelin Feldman, daughter Kim Simmons and granddaughter Carlee Simmons. 

“He’s done a great job in law enforcement and it is certainly well deserved,” said District Attorney of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, Michael Jackson. 



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