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Sunday, March 7

Tigers fight valiantly in eventual loss to Choctaws

West Blocton High School hosted 3 games on their own baseball diamond Saturday. The Tigers squared off against Hale County High School in a 10 a.m. match-up which they would eventually lose 13-2, but they would have a shot at their in-county rival, Bibb County High School before the day was finished.
Following the West Blocton versus Hale County game BCHS faced off against Hale. The Choctaws would crush Hale County 23 - 7. Immediately following this game West Blocton took the field against the Choctaws.
Early in the West Blocton game the Choctaws struggled at the plate while West Blocton was able to knock in a few runs for an early lead. Bibb County's bats would eventually get hot again as the Choctaws eventually pulled off the win 13-3. Caleb Smith, Justin White and Daniel Scarpelli contributed RBIs for for the Tigers. On the other side, Bibb County earned serious run support from a combined 4 home runs. The round trippers came from the bats of Brett Seales (who hit 2), Jalen Goree and Darren Whatley. Goree, also hit two homeruns in the previous game against Hale County giving him three for the day. Whatley also homered in the Hale County game giving him two for the day.
Bibb County's Darren Whatley earned the victory over Blocton. The loss was credited to the Tigers' Daniel Scarpelli.
The Choctaws currently hold a 12-3 record on the season. West Blocton is currently 7-8. For more on the week in high school baseball please read this week's edition of the Centreville Press, available on Wednesday March 10th.

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