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Thursday, March 11

Brent PD on cutting edge of search for missing children

Brent Chief of Police Terry Nichols recently formalized an agreement with the “A Child is Missing Alert Program.” This decision has allowed the placement of a high tech method to search for missing persons including children, the elderly, and those who are mentally or physically challenged. The program will be effective by March 15, 2010.
Upon receipt of a missing persons call, the Brent Police Department will make its first phone call to a toll-free number of the ACMAP headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
A rotating staff of Information and Mapping Technicians operate around the clock and throughout the year. When the call comes in, the technician initiates a rapid process of information gathering and use of state of the art mapping systems. The organization then launches thousands of calls within minutes through an alert message, which details the description and last known whereabouts of the missing person. Any other pertinent information is also provided. This alert message will also include Brent Police Department’s phone number for use by anyone with information relating to the missing person.
The program is a free service to law enforcement. Officials of Brent PD will evaluate potential activation of the ACMAP to ensure the application is appropriate to the case and to ensure the system is optimally used. Policies, procedures, and employee training will also guide the most efficient and effective use of this alert program.
Telephone numbers that are called by this program include listed numbers in the selected area, but do not include cell phone numbers, unlisted numbers, or TDD/TTY (telecommunications device for the deaf/ teletypewriter) devices. These numbers can be added to ensure they too are called in the event of an alert. To enter your cell phone number, unlisted number, or TDD/TTY device visit www.achildismissing.org and click “add your name.” Once prompted enter your name, number and address. ACMAP insists this information will only be used for emergency message alerts.
A Child Is Missing is a nationwide non-profit organization that helps law enforcement agencies locate missing persons. The group utilizes their programs to place 1,000 alert phone calls in one minute to residents and businesses in the area where someone has gone missing. Currently the program has been credited with more than 660 safe assisted recoveries.

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