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Thursday, July 8

Local VFDs receive nearly $2700

By Daniel L. Bamberg


State Representative Cam Ward recently handed out checks from the State in the amount of $1485 to each of Bibb County’s Volunteer Fire Departments.  He also handed out checks from the office of State Senator Bobby Singleton in the amount of  $1200 to each department.

April Weaver, Republican nominee to take Ward’s seat in District 49 (with Ward moving to the Senate), was on hand.  Representative Ward suggested that the fire chiefs should put her to work early.  He passed the proverbial torch to his likely replacement and future colleague, as Weaver handed the checks out to fire department members.

“What you folks do with the money you get is more than any other county.  You all do a great job and we appreciate everything you do.  You volunteer your service for crumbs and serve your community well,” explained Ward. 

Departments who received these checks were:  Brent Volunteer Fire Department, Brierfield Volunteer Fire Department, Cedar Grove Volunteer Fire Department, Centreville Volunteer Fire Department, Eoline Volunteer Fire Department, Green Pond Volunteer Fire Department, Lawley Volunteer Fire Department, Randolph Volunteer Fire Department, and West Blocton Volunteer Fire Department.

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