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Friday, June 25

Dr. Meigs attends White House Meeting

By Daniel L. Bamberg


Dr. John Meigs, a well known Bibb County physician was recently selected to attend a meeting at the White House, in Washington D.C.

In February, U.S. President Barack Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum in order to establish a task force to bring forth recommendations for ways to help end childhood obesity.  The goal of this effort is to end childhood obesity within the span of one generation. 

First Lady Michelle Obama has made these efforts her personal “pet project” to go along with her “Let’s Move” National Initiative.  In April approximately 200 health, pediatric medicine, and diet experts were selected to attend a meeting at the White House in order to aid the President’s task force.  These experts lent ideas to members of the task force to help Mrs. Obama’s cause. 

Dr. Meigs who is the Vice Speaker of the American Academy of Family Physicians, and member of the Board of Directors was tapped by the Academy to attend this meeting.  According to Dr. Meigs, the White House requested at least one member from the AAFP to attend.

“Basically, we were there to help with the task force’s fact finding,” explained Dr. Meigs. 

Mrs. Obama was on hand and spoke for about 10 minutes.  According to Meigs her speech was more of a motivational purpose, to help explain and present her “Let’s Move” initiative. 

Also on hand was the U.S. Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin and the U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.  The estimated 200 experts in attendance were divided up into 3 prongs.  One group was assigned to give suggestions concerning encouraging the increasing of physical activity.  Another group was assigned to give suggestions concerning increasing the availability of healthy foods.  The other group was assigned to offer suggestions on how to encourage the improvement of healthy dieting.  Dr. Meigs was assigned to the third group listed. 

One of the recommendations Meigs helped to compose was to get kids off of sugar and create “Sugar-Free Zones.”  Meigs was also able to mention the AAFP website, familydoctor.org and programs such as AIM-HI (Americans in Motion – Healthy Interventions).  This program specifically advocates schools to motivate increases in physical activity and healthy diets.  In respect to AIM-HI, Dr. Meigs suggested schools should improve their lunch programs and increase physical activity.

While Meigs did explain that his trip to the White House would certainly be memorable, it was all business.  “We didn’t get a chance to tour the building or bump into the President.  I did, however, get the opportunity to hear the First Lady speak in person and meet the Surgeon General.  Mrs. Obama is a powerful speaker,” explained Dr. Meigs.     

The good doctor left Huntsville for D.C. on the morning of the meeting and left the capital immediately afterwards.  The moment was brief, but Dr. Meigs did mention he feels secure that he is considered safe in the country.  Considering the many checks he had to pass at the airport, at the White House, and before departure it is pretty obvious Dr. Meigs is considered one of the good guys. 
“I felt like a fish out of water.  I don’t belong in Washington.  Childhood obesity is, however, a real and serious problem.  I applaud the First Lady and the President for trying to get this under control.  I hope the recommendations we made help address the problem,” he concluded.

To learn more about AIM-HI visit: familydoctor.org.  For more information about Michelle Obama’s fight to end childhood obesity please visit: letsmove.gov

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