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Tuesday, June 8

Brent Council discusses Alcohol and Army Tanks

By Daniel L. Bamberg


The Brent City Council met on Tuesday, May 18th in order to certify the results of the Municipal Election held 7 days prior.  In that election citizens of Brent voted in favor of the legal sale of alcohol within the city limits, by over 100 votes.

The Brent City Council didn’t waste any time and unanimously certified the results.  Following this, discussions were held about what would happen beyond this point in terms of adopting an ordinance and the concerns of citizens.

Members of the council vocally discussed understanding that some citizens were concerned about clubs and bars popping up all over the city.  Mayor Dennis Stripling explained that after meeting with ABC (Alabama Beverage Control) he was told by law that they could not keep a bar from opening up in the city within reason.  According to the law allowing restaurants to serve alcohol would open up the possibility of a bar to open and serve.  The city is, however, responsible for setting the amount of a license for such a facility.  Concerns from the public as well as of the city will be considered in this aspect of the ordinance according the council discussion.

Another concern was how far a place, which sells alcohol, can be from a church.  According to Mayor Stripling, it is the city’s decision to decide the distance limitations, as long as it is within reason according to the law.  Currently Wal-Mart and Marathon in Brent have addressed the city with interest to sell alcohol.

The council made a decision to review 10 ordinances adopted by other cities and to hold a work session following their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 8th.  Following this the city will set a time for public comment during a hearing to be scheduled later.  In this time any citizen willing to come may speak to the council members and the mayor about their own concerns.  Once all of this has been completed the city will adopt an ordinance outlining the privileges and restrictions for the city of Brent regarding the legal sale of alcohol. 

Mayor Dennis Stripling presented the council with an idea to place a demilitarized army tank in front of the City Hall on the park lawn.  Stripling plans to do this in order to recognize and honor the veterans and military within the community, and those passed away.  The council agreed to allow Stripling to enquire about the cost of getting a tank from a Military surplus facility in Michigan.

The Alabama Department of Transportation will be taking out the Don McMillan Bridge on Highway 5 in the near future as part of ongoing improvement on roads, which includes removing bridges over abandoned railroads.  For this purpose State Representative Cam Ward presented Governor Bob Riley with a resolution to re-name Haysop Creek Bridge on Highway 5, the Don McMillan Bridge.  The Governor recently signed the resolution allowing the action.  This is not to be mistaken with the Highway 25 former Haysop Creek Bridge with was recently named the Sp. 4 Willie Gardner Jr. Memorial Bridge. 

The council agreed to pay for new signs to be placed.  Once the signs are ready Haysop Creek Bridge on Highway 5 will be officially named “Don McMillan Bridge.”  Mayor Stripling said he hopes this can be done in time for the Brent / Centreville homecoming celebrations in which they will honor heroes and veterans on July 4th weekend. 

The Council also recently approved Mayor Stripling to purchase the former Cox Gas Station property at the intersection of Highway 82 and Highway 25 in Brent.  “This is an eyesore and it is one of the first things people see when they come into our city,” explained the mayor.  Citizens have complained about the look, but nearby residents have been complaining about the dangers, which come from the old gas tanks underground.  The property recently came up for foreclosure and Brent purchased it for $300, covering $298 in unpaid taxes.  The city attorney is currently working to get a quick claim deed so that the city can begin the clean up process on the property.  Without the deed the previous owner, Don Vincent, has 3 years to purchase it back.  With the steep interest however, the city doesn’t feel that is a possibility.  This is precisely the reason they are looking to get the deed.  “The sooner we clean that mess up, the better,” said Councilman Chad Jones.

The city plans on turning that corner into a green area after the cleanup.  “It would be nice to set a flag there, some shrubs, and maybe a ‘welcome to Brent’ sign.  We need something to make that area be more welcoming.  Right now that building is the first impression anyone who comes in that way gets of our city,” Stripling concluded.


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