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Thursday, May 13

Wet / Dry Vote Results

Brent votes wet by 107 vote margin.  Centreville remains dry by 5 vote margin.  


  1. Well I hope everyone that voted wet stands firm against the dry crowd. I can promise you the dry crowd will be getting together another petition for a wet/dry vote in Brent to try and overturn it once the specified time by law has passed to allow another vote.

  2. Well I see Centreville seems to still be rigging the vote. Too bad Alabama has one of the worst Attorney General's I have ever seen and will not do anything about it. Troy King talks tough when he is refering to arsonists, rapists, child molesters etc.... But when it comes to things like white collar crime and voter fraud and investigating price gouging or price fixing he runs and hides!!

  3. Actually the vote went the way many (my self included) expected. The funny thing is that the only reports of any possible funny business with the voting process seems to have originated from the dry camp. I guess it is ok to cheat and lie if you feel that that is the way God wants it. I never knew God thought to highly of those who do that.

  4. Centreville stayed dry by 5 votes!! funny the mayor and city council add up to 5 people don't they? Is 5 votes code for the city council keeping it dry and throwing out just enough votes to keep it that way?? hahha You won't be able to convince me this vote was conducted honestly in Centreville. Walk in votes had it wet but the absentee vote changed it the other way and by 5!! Really????

  5. Looks like we still have some people up to their old "tricks" in Centreville when it comes to wet/dry votes. who knows what else?

  6. Well let Centreville dry up period! I don't care. When they are sitting there with a stupid look on their faces scratching their heads as to why they don't have that much revenue coming in and very few businesses are located in Centreville and very few new businesses will open in Centreville. I can say Hey!! You did it to yourselves!!!! Now live with it!! Guess they will be out writing more traffic tickets on everyone that passes through town to make up for it!

  7. I am not sure how much you people trust me or not, but I can assure you there was no funny business in Centreville. This is coming from a guy who publicly stated he was voting "wet".
    Also a member of the Bibb County Baptist Association was on hand, as was Chief of Police Mike Nichols (a man who has spoken against voter fraud countless times), Officer Johnny Thacker, Mayor Tom Bamberg, City Clerk Stephanie Scott, Councilman Kenny Hicks (another vocal "wet" supporter), and City Attorney Mike Hobson.
    There was NO VOTER FRAUD, BALLOT RIGGING, OR ANYTHING ELSE FISHY! The vote went as many projected and not too far off of the Centreville vote during the last county-wide wet/dry vote.
    I am all for calling it like it is, but sometimes you have to accept the results as they are. Centreville voted dry, legally, and properly. I am just as bothered by that as many of you are, but facts are facts.

  8. I forgot to include that I was on hand for the re-count and that Centreville would not start the count until the press was in attendance.

  9. Hey Daniel I heard Brent is going to get a Hooters now!! Just Kidding LOL. Since the rumors are starting that's the rumor I am getting started. hahahahahahahaha

  10. FINALLY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!! THANK GOD! At least Brent is wet.

  11. I suppose Brent is going to draw this out for as long as possible before allowing the sale of alcohol!! I understand it takes some time to go through the legal work and taking applications for licenses and approving and such and getting approval by the ABC board but do believe they could work a little faster as far as any ordinances go. They don't have to start from scratch. They could probably take a City like Clanton, Calera, Montevallo etc and use their ordinances as a template and adjust as needed to fit Brent. I bet they drag this out for 6 months though or as long as they can! You won't have but a year to year and a half of alcohol sales before the "dry" folks present another petiton for another vote. You know for sake of argument if there were another vote and assuming it went back dry it wouldn't be 24 hours until all the alcohol would be taken up and out of the stores thats just the way it works. I don't expect the sales overnight like I said I understand but I also believe they are going to drag their feet as much as possible about getting things set up.

    Who really cares what Centreville does? There isn't anything in Centreville but 4 gas stations a CVS and the Chinese Restaurant that would possibly sell any alcohol. Not a single grocery store in Centreville. I wonder why?


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