414 Washington St.   Marion, Al. 36756     phone: 334-683-6318  fax: 334-683-4616
Publisher: Lorrie Rinehart       Editor: Daniel L. Bamberg       Advertising: Lisa Averett      Bookkeeper: Sheila Duncan
"We are the front lines of truth advocacy. Major media outlets have traded truth for sensationalism, and online news sites have no real legal concerns to keep them in check. Digital text is not ink. The community newspapers are left as the only legally challenged body of information. We cannot afford to lie. We cannot afford to be inaccurate. We are the last stand for freedom of the press. We are the last of the true journalists."

Tuesday, May 4

Reminder Wet / Dry Vote to be held Tuesday, May 11th

Citizens of Brent and Centreville within the "city limits" will decide whether or not to allow the legal sale of alcohol within said cities on May 11th.
Brent residents will vote at Brent City Hall and Centreville residents will vote at Centreville City Hall.  "The best way to avoid confusion about who can and cannot vote is to explain, that if they vote for a city councilman in Brent or Centreville they can participate in this vote.  If they are not allowed to vote for a city councilman, they are outside of the city limits and therefore cannot vote," suggests the office of Brent Mayor Dennis Stripling.
Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m.
This vote will help determine the future of these cities one way or another, however you feel about the issue your vote is very important.


  1. Yeah and everyone in the local cemeteries can vote also as long as it is dry. I know how that works.

  2. To the 18 to 38 year old voters:

    This is your chance to vote on an issue that you have NEVER and I repeat NEVER gotton to vote on in your lifetime in Bibb County. No matter how you want to vote, wet or dry get out and make your vote count. It may be a long time before you get another opportunity to vote on this issue! The last wet/dry vote to take place but was countywide was Nov. 6, 1990 if I recall correctly.

  3. I am going to express something really quick before this vote.

    First of all I know the controversy that surrounded the county wide vote several years back. I also know many of you assume it will happen in the vote within these municipalites.

    Let me explain this. In spite of what the Centreville City Council may (or may not be..depending on who is telling the truth) saying about the Centreville Press I respect and trust those men. I don't always agree with them, which DOES NOT come off in my writing, but I trust them. I find them to be honest people for the most part. Mayor Bamberg seems trustworthy and is approachable, he also seems to genuinely care.
    Ken Cottingham needs no explanation most know who he is and either you like him or you don't but mostly all of you know him.
    My cousin grew up with David Steele and I have known him since he was a kid. David is a good guy.
    Don Mack is about the most helpful human beings I have come across. He is always willing to help someone.
    Kenny Hicks is a smart and sensible man who believes in progress.
    Chuck Martin is honest, smart, and seemingly noble.
    Chief Mike Nichols, no matter what anyone thinks of him I think he's a good man, but even if he is not this is a guy who has spokely out repeatedly against voter fraud in this community.

    These are the men in charge of the vote Centreville. If we go dry it will not in any way be because of cheating. At least I am confident of such a notion. It will be because the voters decided.

    Now I won't go name by name with Brent City Council, but I will say Brent's Council and Brent's Mayor (and this is no stab at Centreville) are more progressive minded and "out of the box" than Centreville. Like Centreville, there isn't an individual on that council whom I deem untrustworthy. Terry Nichols like Mike is no fan of voter fraud.

    To sum it up. I will tell you my belief that this vote will be accurate however it goes. Could I be wrong? Sure, but I do trust these gentlemen and ladies with voting.

    So please, I am begging all of you on both sides of the issue to turn out and vote. Do not like apathy and assumptions of a crooked vote keep you from having your voice heard.

    I believe you can trust your councilmen and women. I believe you can trust your police chiefs. VOTE ON TUESDAY!

    However if may go let it be the right decision for our community and indeed let it reflect more on our future than our past. Let there be a high younger voter turn out, because it is your future that is being determined.

    God Bless all of you!

  4. Funny Who is showing the most class in this and who are the people acting dirty. I have only noticed about one location where a "Vote Dry" sign was at and is missing now and the few "Vote Yes" signs that were put out of all of them I believe at least half or more have been stolen, knocked down or are missing now for some reason!!!

    For that reason alone I say that the vote Yes people are showing way more "class" than the Vote dry folks. The vote dry folks are the ones stooping to low levels and acting dirty and being underhanded!!! Let me catch you tearing a sign down or doing something underhanded or illegal and we are going to have a problem!! I assume that the people I am talking about probably most of them claim to be "Christians" also.
    If you call yourself a "Christian" and are doing this at the very least it shows me that you have very little faith in God and don't just pray that God's will be done in this and act civilized for this upcoming vote.

  5. Yeah, I think that those on both city councils and mayors are trustworthy for the "most part" on anything else but this issue. On this issue I do NOT trust hardly anyone!! I sure wish the Secretary of State or Attorney General's office would come up here and oversee and run this election! I would feel a "little" better about it being a fair vote.

    On this issue I trust none of these people!!

  6. Daniel L. BambergMay 10, 2010 at 4:20 PM

    Troy King? LOL! I'm gonna leave that one alone.

  7. Actually your right I gotta laugh at myself for suggesting Troy King. I really wish the Secretary of State Beth Chapman or somebody other than these folks would be over seeing the election. I totally understand what your saying. I don't trust Troy King either but he is our Attorney General and we don't have any choice right now.

  8. Anybody got any update on how the vote went in Crentreville and Brent?

  9. You still think that Centreville conducted an honest vote?? Listening to all this garbage I would say NO!! They are fixing it again!! I would trust that little weasel Troy King more than these people and I can't stand or trust him!! I'm a little older than you and know what these people will stoop too!! That's fine though I am content with Brent being wet. Let Centreville "dry" up!!

  10. Your the man though Daniel. According to your exit polling. I bow to you sir. Your the man!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I can buy you a beer one day and let you know my name which you should already know. I will be more than happy to buy you a beer or whatever drink you want my friend provided you want one. I would never want to force or tempt someone who didn't want to drink.

  11. Sounds like some people in Centreville need a little reminder of the law:

    Section 17-17-24 Code of Alabama
    Changing ballots, unlawful use of absentee ballots, etc.; investigative assistance; encouraging voter participation.
    (a) Any person who willfully changes an absentee voter's ballot to the extent that it does not reflect the voter's true ballot, any person who willfully votes more than once by absentee ballot in the same election, any person who willfully votes for another voter or falsifies absentee ballot applications or verification documents so as to vote absentee, or any person who solicits, encourages, urges, or otherwise promotes illegal absentee voting, shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a Class C felony. Any person who willfully aids any person unlawfully to vote an absentee ballot, any person who knowingly and unlawfully votes an absentee ballot, and any voter who votes both an absentee and a regular ballot at any election shall be similarly punished.

    (b) Upon request by the local district attorney or the Secretary of State, the Attorney General shall provide investigating assistance in instances of absentee ballot or voting violations.

    (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impede or inhibit organized legal efforts to encourage voter participation in the election process or to discourage a candidate from encouraging electors to lawfully vote by absentee ballot.

  12. Well if they throw out Olon Belcher and Cecil Crews' "absentee ballots" that will be 2 out of it. Not sure who else voted "absentee"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. To the anonymous person who lives to be a thorn in my side...
    I will take you up on your drink sir. I have an idea of who you are, but I could be surprised and would love to meet you. We can continue our discussion about county and city revenue then.


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