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Thursday, May 20

Citizens Contest Centreville Wet/Dry Election

Two registered voters and citizens of Centreville have filed a complaint in court contesting the municipal election which was held in Centreville on May 4, 2010.  
The vote in question was to determine whether or not the citizens approved of the legal sale of alcohol within the city limits.  The walk in votes resulted in a 7 person election in favor of legalizing the sale of alcohol.  The absentee ballots however, resulted in a 12 person election opposed to the legal sale of alcohol within the city limits.  Combining the absentees with the walk-ins Centreville remained under alcohol prohibition by 5 votes.  
The two citizens who filed the complaint in court claim personal knowledge that absentee ballots were received improperly.  A circuit judge will now look at the votes in question, take the appropriate steps to credit or discredit the votes and certify the results.  
According to Centreville City Attorney Mike Hobson this process could take as little as a few weeks, but up to several months.  For a full detailed story read the Centreville Press next week.


  1. I think you meant to say "received improperly". Right?

  2. LOL, the good thing about a blog is that we can edit it after the fact. Yes IMPROPERLY not properly as originally posted. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. I suppose Brent is going to draw this out for as long as possible before allowing the sale of alcohol!! I understand it takes some time to go through the legal work and taking applications for licenses and approving and such and getting approval by the ABC board but do believe they could work a little faster as far as any ordinances go. They don't have to start from scratch. They could probably take a City like Clanton, Calera, Montevallo etc and use their ordinances as a template and adjust as needed to fit Brent. I bet they drag this out for 6 months though or as long as they can! You won't have but a year to year and a half of alcohol sales before the "dry" folks present another petiton for another vote. You know for sake of argument if there were another vote and assuming it went back dry it wouldn't be 24 hours until all the alcohol would be taken up and out of the stores thats just the way it works. I don't expect the sales overnight like I said I understand but I also believe they are going to drag their feet as much as possible about getting things set up.

    Who really cares what Centreville does? There isn't anything in Centreville but 4 gas stations a CVS and the Chinese Restaurant that would possibly sell any alcohol. Not a single grocery store in Centreville. I wonder why?


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