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Monday, May 17

Centreville Man Arrested in Connection with Break-ins.

By Daniel L. Bamberg


Last week, the Bibb County Sheriff’s Department arrested Jarmarcus Shantrez Norris, 21; of Centreville on charges on 2nd degree burglary and 2nd degree theft of property. The bond of the first charge was $30,000 and the second charge held a bond of $15,000.  After being arrested he was released on bond. 

“The case is still under investigation and additional charges will follow,” explained Bibb County Sheriff Keith Hannah.

Over the past several weeks a rash of break-ins running through the Pondville and Eoline areas of the county have occurred.  Norris is suspected and has been charged with crimes pertaining to those incidents.

If you have any information pertaining to this case please contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 205-926-4683

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