414 Washington St.   Marion, Al. 36756     phone: 334-683-6318  fax: 334-683-4616
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Thursday, March 11

Wet / Dry Vote

This morning we were informed that the Wet / Dry vote will in fact occur. Centreville and Brent will both be passing a resolution next week to hold a vote in those cities allowing citizens to decide whether Brent and Centreville can sell alcohol within the city limits. Full story next week!


  1. Too much tax money begin taken out of the county because of lost alcohol sales. At least we know the local police will be PROACTIVE in stopping drunk drivers instead of only getting to see them after they have killed someone coming back into Bibb. We may also now be able to get some other restaurants like O'Charley's, Ruby Tuesday and other business opportunities that will create NEW jobs!

  2. I personally believe that sadly this town we live in will always be stuck in 1979. Every county around Bibb is wet, if someone in Bibb County is going to drink, they will go buy it in either Tuscaloosa, Perry or Shelby Co. It's not like the wet/dry vote is going to just magically make people in the county who drink just stop, if someone wants a drink they are going to get it. Just like if someone in Bibb County wants to go eat at a nice Steakhouse or other restaurant... What are they going to do? They will take their money and go to Tuscaloosa, and whether they are a person who is determined to keep this county dry, they will drop their money in a restaurant that might serve alcohol, just to get the food they want. This county will never have anything other than fast food restaurants if the vote doesn't pass. No large restaurant franchise will ever come here, if they can't offer alcohol sales.

    Some people act like if the county goes wet then that's going to be the beginning of a problem. I read the Centreville Press each week. I read about meth-labs being busted, drug-rings being busted, houses getting broke into, local stores being held up and robbed. It's already happening, and the reason isn't because of alcohol sales!

    The action of Bibb County citizens speak louder than words. Count the number of 7A tags headed towards Tuscaloosa, Perry Co, or Shelby Co. multiply that probably an average of $10 at the very least, and that's how much revenue Bibb County is losing (it doesn't even have to be an alcohol sale).
    Teenagers from Bibb County has to go to one of these "wet counties" just to have a nice date. They don't necessarily have to drink when they go (the ones that do, are the ones that was probably going to do it anyways) but anyways, to get to go bowling, to the movies, buy brand name clothes, or to go to Alabama Adventure, or play pool, or just eat a steak dinner... they have to go to a county that may serve alcohol.

    Unfortunately, on May 11th, I'm pretty sure that the vote will probably come up dry. I can live with that. I can live with still going to Tuscaloosa to go out to eat, I can live with still going to a surrounding county line store and buying something to drink if I choose, unfortunately a majority of Bibb County citizens will have to too... for the next 30 years.


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